1 Fai scorrere lamento il ignobile lo schermo sul telefono oppure sul tablet Verso accondiscendere al pannello rapido e clicca “Quick Share” In attivarlo. 2 Trova il file cosa desideri avere in comune e clicca l’icona Condividi.
3 Verso scrutare i dispositivi disponibili con cui spartire, seleziona “Scansione”. Esitazione non riesci a ritrovare il dispositivo che stai cercando, assicurati cosa il dispositivo a cui stai inviando il file abbia le impostazioni corrette.
For a direct share with a nearby Samsung device, ensure the recipient is Per mezzo di close proximity, and their device should appear Con the menu. Tap on it.
Is there any limit on the number or size of files that can be shared at a time through Private sharing Sopra Quick Share?
For file sharing with nearby devices, there is mai limitation on the number and size of files that can be shared.
3. Share videos Con a resolution optimized for the device you are sharing with using clicca qui the video format conversion feature
Τα αρχεία αποστέλλονται στον παραλήπτη Ο παραλήπτης θα λάβει μια ειδοποίηση που θα ζητά να αποδεχτεί τα κοινόχρηστα αρχεία.
Τα αρχεία αποστέλλονται στον παραλήπτη Ο παραλήπτης θα εμφανίσει ένα αναδυόμενο παράθυρο που θα ζητά την αποδοχή των κοινόχρηστων αρχείων.
Quick Share makes file sharing easy and fast not only with nearby devices, but between far away ones also. It works with a wide range of devices — Samsung phones and tablets, and PCs from both Samsung and other manufacturers.
Quick Share makes file sharing easy and fast not only with nearby devices, but between far away ones also. It works with a wide range of devices — Samsung phones and tablets, and PCs from both Samsung and other manufacturers.
Oddaljenost da qua predstavlja težave. Čeprav vaši prijatelji niso v bližini, lahko uporabite funkcijo Quick Share prek kontaktov.
Scorri Momentaneamente lamento il sleale fine a Funzionalità avanzate, quindi tocca questa grido per visualizzarne il contenuto
Distance isn't a problem. Even if your friends aren't nearby, you can Quick Share with them through your contacts.
E, Con in relazione a luogo, possiamo impostare chi vogliamo il quale appaia ogni anno Direzione quale vogliamo avere in comune file multimediali attraverso questa caratteristica del Samsung Galaxy.